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Guided Meditation

Guided Meditation

Three sessions: September 2, 9 and 16.

Facilitated by Basha Hirschfeld. Learn to meditate or deepen your practice by meditating with others.  Basha will guide participants in the simple practice of meditation as taught in the Shambhala tradition. The experience of practicing with others, even on Zoom, is very special and powerful.  Questions about the technique are welcome.  The practice will go for 30 minutes followed by 15 minutes for discussion. 

These three sessions are offered to help deepen our entry into the High Holy Days. Come to one or all as you wish. Please register for the class and consider making a donation to help support our Beit Midrash classes.

Barbara (Basha) Hirschfeld has been a student of Buddhism for over 25 years, and of Judaism all her life. She is one of a few lucky students of Ani Pema Chodron and through her of the Shambhala lineage, as first taught by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. She teaches meditation in the North Bay at various venues and owns and runs a retreat space in west Sonoma County called “Open Sky Retreat Space.”  Her favorite thing is to bring together the two wisdom traditions, and to explore how her Buddhist training can inform her Jewish faith.

Earlier Event: September 8
Coming into Being
Later Event: September 11
Shabbat with Rabbi Margaret (via Zoom)