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Yom Kippur Evening (Kol Nidre)

Tending our Hearts, Mending the Field

Our most solemn night of the year. A night of soul-stirring prayer and beautiful music. We will be moved by the musical gifts of the Ner Shalom Singers and the Good Shabbos Band. Please bring photos or memorabilia of loved ones whose loss you will reflect on in Wednesday's Yizkor Service. These will go on our Memorial Table. (Be sure to mark them as yours.)

We are living in a time of brokenness. We see polarization in our political discussions, a breakdown in kindness, a threatened ecosystem, and a failure of hope and imagination. We feel the tattering of the Godfield and the shattering of our own hearts. Many paths of action are available to us, but what is our vision? What will keep us sustained and whole as we do the work of mending the field?

Over these Days of Awe, we will journey together, opening ourselves up to discover the tools available for our own healing and the healing of the world we're living in. How does our tradition speak to us? And what is the wisdom of our own knowing souls?

Combining traditional liturgy with creative innovation, High Holy Days at Ner Shalom are deep, musical, uplifting and unorthodox. For a full listing of services, click here.

Earlier Event: September 23
Shabbat Shuvah – Morning Service
Later Event: September 30
Yom Kippur Day